I wrote a post on Instagram this week that garnered quite a lot of engagement, with people DMing me about it. I think it’s a topic worth highlighting in case you missed it.

Question: What's the one thing that stops women from practicing self care?

Answer: The belief that they are not worthy of self care

Now of course, this isn't the complete picture. The reasons people neglect self-care are complex and multifaceted, but this belief in unworthiness is a common theme I've heard time and time again. I hear it from clients, from patients, from friends. FROM MYSELF!! 😔

"I don't have the time to [INSERT SELF-CARE STRATEGY]!"

Whether it's preparing nutritious food, exercising, sleeping more or spending time connecting with loved ones, the excuse is always the same: "I don't have the time."

But here's the truth: We have the time. We just choose not to make space for it in our lives. Self-care gets stuck at the bottom of our to-do list, constantly pushed down as more "important" things pile up on top (like organising the sock drawer or learning to juggle!)🤹🧦

I know this is hard to hear. I don't like hearing it myself but the reality is we prioritise everything else in life, believing it's more important than ourselves. More important than our physical and emotional health and wellbeing. We put ourselves at the bottom of the pile because we don't recognise that we DESERVE this time. We DESERVE to feel like ourselves again. To feel joy, to feel energised, to feel alive. I know right? OUCH! 🅾️⛎©️♓️

Looking after ourselves is sometimes not exciting, sexy or interesting. (Where's the fun in going to bed early instead of watching Bridgerton with a glass of wine? No judgment from me.) But it's the foundation upon which everything else in your life rests.

Here's the cold hard truth: If you don't safeguard your physical and mental health, you can't safeguard and indeed EXCEL in other areas of your life.

That's a fact.

Self-care isn't selfish. It's necessary. It's time we start believing we're worthy of it.

Warmly, Rosie x

By Rosie Khan

Dr Rosie Khan


General Practitioner | Integrative Coach | Medical Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis | Women’s Health Post Graduate Diploma |

Specialist Interest in Lifestyle As Medicine

Oops, I Did It Again…(But not in a red latex suit kind of way)