12-weeks to reclaim, rediscover and revolutionise your life so that, as a high-achieving woman, you can finally experience calm, balance and overall wellness.


If you are:

  • Feeling exhausted and on the verge of burnout

  • Neglecting your physical health and experiencing the unwanted side effects of this - weight change, poor sleep, digestive problems or a weakened immune system

  • So stressed and exhausted that you are snapping at loved ones and this is impacting your relationships

  • Not enjoying or engaged with your work anymore

  • Experiencing persistent self-doubt and guilt

Then this is for you!


Effortless work-life balance

Feel in control of your schedule and workload, with the ability to say no when necessary

Thriving relationships

Having open, honest communication and mutual respect in your relationships

Optimal physical health and vitality

Feel more energised, stronger and healthier in your body

Emotional well-being and resilience

Experience a deep sense of inner peace, self-acceptance and contentment

if that sounds to good to be true,

i want you to know that i get it…

As a doctor, entrepreneur, wife and mother of two, I've walked in your shoes.

I've experienced the overwhelm of juggling a demanding career with family life, battling autoimmune conditions, and navigating the complexities of fertility treatments.

I've felt the strain of burnout, the irritability that comes from neglecting self-care and the plummeting self-esteem that follows.

But through my journey as a GP and integrative coach, I've discovered the tools to reclaim balance and well-being. I've learned to prioritise self-care, manage stress effectively and cultivate resilience - all while maintaining a thriving career and family life.

Now, I'm here to guide you on your journey from stress to strength, helping you achieve the clarity, calm and overall wellness you deserve.

This is exactly why I am able to help you do the same and this is how...

Phase 1

Rediscover Your Spark (Weeks 1-3)

We kick off with a 2-hour breakthrough session to fully understand your unique situation and introduce you to the transformative power of hypnosis through a 30-minute experience. Then, get ready to reconnect with the essence of who you are! We'll explore your values, uncover your life's purpose and reignite the passions that make your heart sing. It's time to dream big and remember what truly matters to you. This phase is all about rediscovering the amazing woman you are beneath the daily grind. Over two more sessions - a 1-hour coaching session and a 90-minute combined coaching and hypnosis session - you'll deepen your understanding of this gentle yet potent technique for creating lasting change. You'll learn how this incredible tool can help you access your subconscious mind, making it easier to align your thoughts and actions with your deepest desires. You'll receive a personalised hypnosis audio to listen to daily, reinforcing your transformation. By the end of this phase, you'll not only have a clearer vision of your authentic self but also powerful new techniques to support your ongoing journey.

Phase 2

Embrace Your Worth (Weeks 4-6)

Here's where we'll work on your mindset and identity, boosting your self-esteem and self-worth. Through 1-hour coaching sessions in weeks 4 and 6, and a powerful 90-minute coaching-hypnosis combination in week 5, you'll learn that it's not just okay, but essential, to create space for joy and personal wellbeing in your life. We'll banish guilt and develop rock-solid boundaries, both at home and work. Through powerful hypnosis techniques, you'll step into the identity of a woman who confidently creates positive change in her life. You'll receive another personalised hypnosis audio to reinforce these positive changes daily. Throughout all phases, you'll have ongoing support and access to me via Voxer, ensuring you're never alone on this transformative journey. By embracing these new tools and perspectives, you'll emerge with a renewed sense of self-worth and the confidence to prioritise your wellbeing.

Phase 3

Nurture Your Wellbeing (Weeks 7-9)

Now we'll dive deep into the FEMALE system, a comprehensive approach to wellbeing that covers:

F - Food and water

E - Exercise and recovery

M - Mindset

A - self-Actualisation

L - Letting go of unhelpful behaviors

E - Enriching relationships

Through two 90-minute coaching-hypnosis combination sessions, we'll explore the pillars most pertinent to your unique situation, identifying areas ripe for positive change. Together, we'll craft a sustainable self-care routine that fits seamlessly into your busy life. This isn't about quick fixes – it's about creating lasting habits that nourish your body, mind and soul. To support this transformation, you'll experience 2 powerful hypnosis sessions designed to reinforce your new habits at a subconscious level. You'll receive two personalised hypnosis audios to use at home, helping you effortlessly integrate these positive changes into your daily life. These tools will work behind the scenes, making your new self-care routines feel natural and effortless, ensuring the changes you make are truly lasting.*

Phase 4

Master Your Time and Energy (Weeks 10-12)

In our final phase, you'll become a pro at managing your time and energy. Through one 90-minute coaching-hypnosis combo and two 60-minute coaching sessions, you'll say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to productivity and peace! You'll learn powerful stress management techniques and build unshakeable emotional resilience. We'll dive deep into a range of strategies, from progressive muscle relaxation to mindfulness. The crown jewel of this phase is our unique "hypnosis inception" session – where you'll experience the fascinating process of learning self-hypnosis while under hypnosis itself. This meta-learning approach will supercharge your ability to tap into your subconscious and make positive changes. By the end of this phase, you'll have a robust toolkit of techniques, including your newfound self-hypnosis skills, empowering you to handle whatever life throws your way with grace and confidence. Remember, throughout this entire program, you'll have ongoing support via Voxer, ensuring you're fully supported as you master these life-changing skills.


Dr Rosie Khan


General Practitioner

Integrative Coach

Medical Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis

Women’s Health Post Graduate Diploma

Specialist Interest in Lifestyle As Medicine

What Our Clients Say…

I was able to talk very openly, felt completely listened to and understood. The outcomes and conclusions that we reached came across as entirely personal to me. Rather than being textbook or 'safe' recommendations, our conclusions were empowering and confident.

SK Director of Legal Operations

I found it really helpful. You were a truly empathetic listener and I felt that you really held space for me to express my thoughts. This was incredibly useful and much-needed. I genuinely looked forward to our sessions and the guidance you provided. Thank you!

AP - Interior Designer and Lecturer

Rosie is a great listener, makes you feel heard and doesn’t judge which is what I needed. With some great health and lifestyle advice I feel more equipped to make better choices and mostly I feel supported.

I’d definitely work with Rosie again

Lisa Johnson. CEO and founder of That Strategy Co and No1 Times Best selling author “Make Money Online”


When are sessions typically scheduled?

Sessions are typically scheduled on weekdays during morning and afternoon hours. I'm also able to offer some evening slots if needed to accommodate your schedule. However, to maintain a healthy work-life balance, I don't schedule appointments on weekends.

How do you handle health-related topics in our coaching sessions?

We can certainly discuss health and wellness as part of your overall well-being. However, it's important to understand that ours is a coaching relationship, not a doctor-patient relationship. While I'm knowledgeable about health terminology and can offer general advice, I can't provide specific medical recommendations, interpret test results, or advise on medications. For those needs, it's best to consult your healthcare provider.

Is hypnotherapy safe? Will I lose control during hypnosis?

Hypnotherapy is a safe and gentle process. During hypnosis, you remain in control and aware of your surroundings. You can't be made to do anything against your will. Instead, hypnosis helps you access a relaxed, focused state of mind where you're more open to positive suggestions for change. You can end the hypnotic state at any time if you feel uncomfortable.

Money Back Guarantee

I am THAT confident in our ability to get you results that this programme comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If within the first 21 days of our time together you don't feel this is the right programme for you, I'll refund your entire investment, no questions asked. Your transformation and satisfaction are my top priorities.

Book a call today to find out what your transformation would look like...

The "From Stress to Strength" program, while following a structured framework, is entirely bespoke and tailored to each client's unique situation.

To ensure we're the right fit for each other and to fully understand your specific needs, we begin with a complimentary Intro and Clarity Call. This initial 60-minute session is more than just an introduction - it's an opportunity for you to experience an hour of coaching. During this time, you'll have the chance to openly discuss your current challenges and aspirations. We'll explore how the programme can be customised to help you move forward effectively. This personalised approach allows us to design a programme that specifically addresses your needs and helps you achieve your desired outcomes, should we decide to work together.



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